Topic > The linear model of technological innovation as a process

Between each phase the central and front path, from the final product over the steps for adjustments and/or corrections and from the final product to the potential market.3.Throughout the phases of the central path are carried out using existing knowledge and the search is used only when the information sought is not found. The connection with research occurs through the use of existing knowledge.4.A connection between research and innovation: research discoveries can lead to inventions.5.There are direct connections between products and research. This is a very clear observation of the development of science which was promoted by the generation of new tools for studying natural phenomena. Innovation is both social and technical. Hargadon bases his approach on the concept of broker, deriving from network theory, and is understood as a point that connects different parts of a network (Dell'Era, & Verganti, 2013). So Hargadon argues that technological innovation is achieved through the “Technology Brokering” strategy which involves combining existing objects, ideas and people so that technological revolutions occur. It incorporates a balance between two processes: creating bridges between worlds (Bridging) and building recombinations