1. Response rate and category: The main survey questionnaire was personally delivered to respondents. It was distributed to 50 carefully selected construction industry professionals representing clients, contractors and consultants. The completed forms had to be collected later. In a period of time following the distribution of the questionnaire, 38 responses were received and the composition of the interviewees is shown in Figure 2. Fig.2 Response rate and Category2. Respondent designation: The majority (48%) of respondents were from the upper management level, which is good for an opinion-based survey analysis. The rest of the share goes to the Project Manager (21%) and the rest of the middle management staff (31%). This is useful for analysis of an opinion survey as respondents are more likely to describe the actual direction of the company as they are directly involved in the design and construction of the prefabricated construction technology.Fig.3 Respondent Designation3. Interviewee's experience in the building construction industry: Most of the interviewees have good experience in the construction industry (63%) so they have been working in the construction industry for more than 20 years. This is followed by respondents with between 10 and 20 years of experience in the construction sector with 29%. This is a good statistical result since respondents with a work experience of at least 10 years have sufficient knowledge of the conventional system used and are able to compare the advantages and shortcomings of both systems. This is good for opinion-based polling. Fig.4 Respondent's experience4. Respondents' knowledge in precast construction technology: More than half of the respondents (58%) have...... half of the document ......lation of logistics allocation activities for semi-precast concrete construction, case of study, UTM, Johor, Malaysia.[22] Wong, R., Hao, J.L. and Ho, CMF 2003, Prefabricated building construction systems adopted in Hong Kong. In: Proceedings of the International Association for Housing Science at the World Congress on Housing: Process and Product, Montreal, Canada.[23] www.gammonindia.com, 2014. Civil engineering projects, infrastructure projects, transportation projects, energy projects, transmission and distribution projects, irrigation projects.. [online] Available at: http://www.gammonindia.com /projects/landmark-project-for-gammon-india.htm [Accessed 13 December 2013].[24] Yahya,MA and Shafie,MNS 2012, Level of acceptance towards industrialized building system (IBS) in Malaysia, International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering & Technology, 3(1).