Megamind is an action-packed animated film about two characters from different worlds who end up on Earth. One of which looks human and the other is different. The heroine of the film grew up in an upper-class family, in a beautiful house with a pair of loving parents. Well educated and raised in a positive community. The Villon ends up in a prison surrounded by criminals of all sorts. Naturally it led to a negative environment, educated to a life of crime. Programmed to be evil or on the wrong side of the law. The story of two personalities who grow and find their place among Humans. The Journey and the trials, to discover who is who and why. Megamind and Metroman are total opposites: they fight crime and save those in trouble. The other finds a way to end Metroman and take over the city. The hero is Metroman; he seems human enough to fit in aside from his superpowers. He is the savior of the people. He is loved by everyone, including a local news reporter. Always does the right thing. However there is something wrong, this may not be the life he wanted. The Villon is Megamind, some human characteristics except that he is blue. Even an enlarged head with an ego to match. Even though he is a genius, his plans are always foiled by something. His plans and inventions are always a sure thing to eliminate the one person who stops him from achieving the status he knows is his destiny. The two characters are a great example of labeling theory. They are seen by the public for their education and social status. They are not seen for who they are, but rather for what they do. This is so true to the behaviors that are displayed by us in everyday life. Imagine if we were judged on our abilities as soc...... middle of paper ......trying to make our way in a world that can be harsh and, at best, unforgiving. I think we could all take a lesson from this story and apply it to our lives. This is why if there were people born with superpowers they would do well to keep it a secret because others without them would judge them or see them as a threat. There is always a price to pay for being different. They would be hunted down and locked up to keep them safe in case the need arose to serve a purpose that would not be favorable. In proximity take what you can to improve yourself, no matter who you have to step on. If people could make an effort to help others. Putting those around us first instead of ourselves would be much better in this world. Works Cited • Text taken from the 12th edition sociology book. By Richard T. Schaefer• The movie Megamind produced by Dream Works studios