The Role of Negotiation in Conflict Resolution IntroductionConflict or disagreement over a wide range of issues has become an intrinsic aspect of modern organizational life. People with different cultural and educational backgrounds work in an organization. People working in an organization may have different goals and interests. People working in the organization may tend to differ on a number of issues including organizational policy, organizational procedure, personal preferences, or political preferences. It is also argued that conflict is an essential feature of organizational life. The role of the manager is fundamental regarding the negotiation of the conflict that arises in organizational life ( Often the lack of effective and direct communication between employees or between employees and management is a major contributing factor to organizational conflict. Management's inability to establish direct communication with employees can also be considered as the main factor behind organizational conflict. According to Jambrek and Penić (2008), the conflict between the outcome of the social situation and the social interaction in which the activities and interests of individuals or group of individuals compare. Conflicts are normal in any type of organization because people have different opinions and some individuals may show their reluctance to accept the opinions of others. It is true that conflicts are an inevitable aspect of organizational life. However, it can be dangerous for a company to deal with too much conflict (Spaho, 2013). Conflict Management and Conflict Management Style Conflict management deals with the resolution of conflict. Conflict Management is not about reducing or limiting duration...... middle of article ......International Workshop on Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce, AMET-98, pages 70–91, Minneapolis, MN , USA. Gonan Božac, M., Angelovska, I., (2008): Menadžment konflikta: razmatranje teoretske paradigme i makrostrateškog pristupa, Ekonomska istraživanja, 21 (4), pp. 45-61. Cited in Organizational communication and conflict management, Management, vol. 18, 2013, 1, pp. 103-118 Jambrek, I., and Penić I., (2008): Upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima u poduzećima – ljudski faktor, motivacija zaposlenika, kao najbitniji čimbenici uspješnosti poslovanja poduzeća, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučili šta u Fiume, 29 (2), pp . 1181-1206. Cited in Organizational communication and conflict management, Management, vol. 18, 2013, 1, pp. 103-118 Leonard Greenhalgh, 1987, “The Case Against Winning in Negotiations,” Negotiation Journal 3 (April): 167–173. Quoc Bao Vo