Topic > sustainable development - 904

IntroductionAfter carefully examining my familiarity with a number of multinational companies that I had selected previously, I chose Henkel (Henkel AG & Company, KGaA), a manufacturing company based in Germany, from l company that I will analyze in depth. Regarding size, “the company has approximately 47,000 employees worldwide and is among the most internationally aligned German companies in the global market.” (Henkel, 2014) In addition to having a large employee base and strong financial resources, it also has subsidiaries spread across the world, including Hong Kong. From a business perspective, Henkel mainly operates in three areas. They are household products, personal care products, stickers that can be easily found in any local supermarket or grocery store. Should the company adhere to sustainability principles? Yes, it should. The quote “Development that meets the needs and aspirations of the current generation without compromising the ability to meet those of future generations”. (Bruntland Report for the World Commission on Environment and Development, 1992) defines sustainability, it is also considered the original definition of sustainable development. From a CEO's perspective, running a sustainable business can help the company cope with today's fast-paced environment and competitive landscape. It not only benefits our mother earth, but also benefits the company in terms of economic results. Managing a sustainable business can be interpreted as respecting three key aspects; be green, assist society, be profitable. Here are some reasons why companies should stick to these principles. First, save costs. Using fewer resources is... half of the paper......genda by contributing your skills and knowledge. To involve everyone in the practices, sustainability is therefore a key part of the training programs they offer. The company is also considered one of the best employers overall, scoring highly in various employer rankings. It recently topped the “Universum Top 100 Ranking,” which indicates that people are willing to work for the company. Henkel also participates in Corporate and Brand Engagement: “As part of our corporate commitment, Henkel and its brands directly form social partnerships in communities around the world. We support schools and universities, social initiatives and public institutions." (Henkel, 2014) In 2013, the company donated 7.1 million euros and supported over 3,000 social needs, education, health, art and culture projects.