Introduction Effectively integrating information technology (IT) into an organization's business processes is critical if the organization wishes to increase productivity and remain profitable. IT includes elements such as system software, application software, computer hardware, and networks and databases that help manage the organization's information. When implementing ever-changing quality standards and processes in the IT world, organizations must balance these changes by continuing to rapidly implement new system technologies to remain competitive. Quality improvements in IT delivery and service support can be improved by measuring and monitoring user satisfaction, integration and flexibility early in the decision-making process and reinforcing them throughout the review process. Adhering to quality management best practices means ensuring that quality standards are rigorously enforced and ingrained in the organization's philosophy. Although in many cases Total Quality Management (TQM) has been replaced by other quality methodologies, organizations that have undertaken the long and arduous journey to properly implement TQM have benefited enormously [1]. Although TQM may be perceived by many employees as another fad that will soon fall by the wayside, the environmental conditions that exist within the organization will determine whether TQM can be successfully implemented and take root. What is Total Quality Management (TQM)? TQM is a system of continuous improvement of work processes to improve the organization's ability to provide high-quality products or services in a cost-effective manner [2]. The goal of TQM is to improve customer satisfaction and reduce waste [3]. Customers include... half of the paper... d-cons-of-total-quality-management-tqm.[10] Reference_for_Business, “TQM Principles,” n.d. [Online]. Available:[11] SK Chavan, “Advantages and Problems in TQM,” November 3, 2010. [Online]. Available:[12], "", n.d. [Online]. Available:[13] T. F. Prosser, “When and Why Total Quality Management Works and Why It Is Not Yet Prevalent,” n.d. [Online]. Available:[14], “How to Implement TQM,” n.d. [Online]. Available: