Good morning Mr. President and members of Congress. I stand before you today to address the question of the future of the American family. The family is the heart of our society and the backbone of our country's future. The Government must commit to strengthening family life and recognize the importance of evolving family structure and dynamics. Improvements in education, health care, and security are vital to the successful future of the American family. The future leaders of this country are today's children. Today's families, regardless of family structure, must be strengthened and supported by society and government in the family's efforts to ensure that their children are prepared for the future. Each state in the union has different means by which to educate the country's children, public, private, and domestic. While federal and state taxes help fund public school systems, many teachers still lack adequate resources to give children the opportunity to reach their potential. The "no child will be left behind" program from years ago is still trouble...