SchizophreniaSchizophrenia: a disorder with reality impairment, perception disorders, and false thoughts such as hallucinations, delusions, urges (hearing voices), and seeing things that are not there (B, Dave) . It is a disorder without preference that has no logical explanation. Although signs of schizophrenia commonly appear in early adolescents, it can affect anyone, regardless of race, age, or gender, at any time in life. Worldwide, 1% of today's population suffers from schizophrenia, approximately 3.3 million are Americans, and 0 have ever been treated. There are numerous drugs that can help control schizophrenia, but they are still far from what is needed to develop a cure. “Schizo” means division and “frenia” means mind. Together; the splitting of the mind. It is a devastating disorder that alters the mind into confusion about how to distinguish what is real and what is fake. This often prevents schizophrenics from carrying out normal daily work. The mind of a schizophrenic varies in severity, one moment he may be completely silent and the next hear voices from unreal things leading to panic. The cause of schizophrenia is not fully understood, however, signs show that schizophrenia may be caused by the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. It has been suggested that inherited genes make a person more vulnerable to schizophrenia and that environmental factors then act on this vulnerability to trigger the disorder. (Mendoza, Nia). A person with a blood relative has a 10% greater chance of developing schizophrenia than a person who does not have it. However, those who are genetically related to someone with schizophrenia are not always de...... middle of paper ...... often very quiet or disconnected while speaking (Smith, Melinda). Works Cited B, Dave. "Schizophrenia." Health Centre. Dave B, January 23, 2013. Web. January 2, 2014. .Online databaseTagsEditDeleteBoard, ADAM Editorial. "Hallucinations." Hallucinations. US National Library of Medicine, July 3, 2012. Web. January 2, 2014.WebsiteLinkTagsEditDelete"Delusion: What is Delusion?" Delirium: what is illusion? Np, 02 January 2014. Web. 02 January 2014.WebsiteLinkTagsEditDeleteMendoza, Nia C. “Schizophrenia Research Paper.” Scribd. Nia Mendoza, March 12, 2010. Web. January 2, 2014.WebsiteLinkTagsEditDeleteSmith, Melinda M., and Jeanne Segal. "Schizophrenia: Signs, Types, and Causes." Np, July 2013. Web. 2 January. 2014. .