College tutoring programs are equally exciting and helpful for students who need them to get the proper stepping stones to success. Unfortunately there are many universities that do not have a tutoring program let alone an actual tutoring program at their college. Especially at the University of Southern Mississippi, which appears to lack a tutoring program for its students. Until you're forced to do research to find that tutoring supposedly exists, but it goes by the name of academic coaching and seems far from something that could be truly effective for students who really need a good support system. Above all, students who come from far away or grew up in a difficult environment where they lacked a suitable role model or someone to support them in their higher education journey. It's your first year as a freshman or transfer and you are welcome to the University of Southern Mississippi through a multi-day event known as Golden Eagle Welcome Week. During this event you will be led into a random group by select upper class leaders called the GEWW Crew. You form a bond with them throughout the entire orientation event, but come the last day you barely see them except at random events throughout the semester. They may exchange numbers and social media accounts with their group, but beyond that they have their own lives and education on their mind. Now who do you turn to now that possible role models have left your company. It seemed like there were your peers who already had their own friend groups and seemed well prepared for adjusting to college. Thoughts start to sink in: how long will it take me to get home, how will I complete these courses, what could I do to get the invitation… middle of the paper… sometimes new students I don't know what to really explore. That is why I propose that the University of Southern Mississippi form a true peer tutoring program for new and future freshmen and transfers. The idea of the program would be that students interested in receiving tutoring would have to apply one semester before their first year of enrollment at the University. This application will be designed to assess the incoming student's educational interests and personal interests so that they are matched with a peer mentor, undergraduate or graduate student who matches their interests. Then, one day, the student will meet their mentor, who will begin to work as a mentor helping them adjust to dorm life early and how to live effectively in a dorm to ensure personal health and educational focus are maintained.