He then assured the other students that the only real prevention was to wait until marriage. I, along with many of my classmates, were shocked not only by the false, but also by the little information he provided us. I later found out that she wasn't a specialist at all, but simply a mother and an accountant with no experience in sex education. There are hundreds of thousands of students with stories just like mine. Their parents sign a waiver thinking their child will get a good, comprehensive sex education course, and more often than not, the course teaches them almost nothing. Abstinence-only courses teach exactly why they get their name: abstinence. But they never talk about contraceptives, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases or the LGBT community. Abstinence-only courses do more harm by providing small amounts of exaggerated information and refusing to discuss vital facts about what to expect and how to protect yourself. Therefore, abstinence-only courses should not be held in public