Topic > Essay on the Classical and Medieval Period - 728

I learned that wealthy women during the Classical Greek era performed autoerotic acts, such as inserting dildos inside their vaginas, as a substitute for heterosexual intercourse with their respectable partners, and also, to incite pleasure and desire. It is more on a conscious level that not only men, but also women masturbate and that acts of autoeroticism have already existed for many centuries. I feel like I would be more comfortable accepting ancient Greek values ​​because their values ​​of sex are still important today, and also because they were more open to acts of autoeroticism than societies of the medieval period. Masturbation is a part of life, as an individual discovers what sexual behaviors he or she likes, and furthermore, it is a safe alternative to having sexual intercourse with the opposite sex without knowing the consequences that will result. So, sex education is another aspect that I adopted from the classical and medieval periods. I learned that sexual acts as we do in modern society are exactly those of ancient societies preformed in