In American culture, the effects of violence and the dangers of recreational sex have caused enormous controversy, especially among young people. It is the nature of people in modern society to believe that sex can only be done for fun and that love is not required. Especially sex presented on television shows teaches children that they can have sex with as many partners as they want without consequences for irresponsible behavior. The fact that sexually transmitted diseases, sex education and birth control are rarely mentioned in television programs is very disappointing. Children and young adults need to be educated on certain issues and not be encouraged to behave imprudently, because sooner or later they will be forced to suffer the consequences (Yeghiazaryan 8). Likewise, television is a business and thrives on major themes involving violence and sex. Television companies strive to maximize their viewers by entertaining them, so “The television industry is not concerned with issues of program quality and social responsibilities. Violence on TV is used as a tool to generate large audiences that can be sold to advertisers” (Yeghiazaryan 9). Television producers believe that violent scenes with loud music capture viewers' attention and increase commercial value. This is why it is more ideal to have programs that consist of violent actions. In fact