• Longshore drift occurs when the movement of particles entering and exiting the ocean causes these particles to move up and down the coast and beach. This movement forms the coast at Point Peron. At Point Peron the longshore drift is trending in a southerly direction, causing particles to move along the beach, as shown in the photograph below. The waves arrive on the beach carrying sand particles and small sediments such as pieces of shells, which settle on the beach before the water recedes. Along the Mandurah coast heading north, seasonal sand movement is disrupted by groyne construction. This causes sand to build up on one side of the brush. • Constructive waves transport materials deposited on the beach. This process forms beaches. When the waves reach the shore at Point Peron, deposits of sand and small sediments are deposited on the beach. Over time this creates a larger beach and smoother sand. • Destructive waves are large waves carrying more materials that crash into continental rock. This type of wave forms bays and headlands. Over time the waves pull down the land into an arc, which then breaks into a stack, and then breaks into a log. Eventually there was nothing left there. This process happens over a very long period of time. Destructive waves are very powerful and strong waves. They also destroy sediment that reaches the coastline. • Erosion is the erosion of rock by water and wind. This process occurs at Point Peron as erosion forms rock formations, arches, stacks and stumps just like destructive waves. Erosion has also caused sand dunes to form as the wind blows the sand into large piles. Over an area of...... half of paper......d to prevent further environmental damage.• Drains have been built to remove excess water from roads and paths making them safer to drive and to walk on.• The pier was built so that residents can go out without getting wet. It was also built to allow locals to park their boats.• The containers were built so that the community can properly dispose of their waste and prevent it from escaping into the environment.• The sea wall was built to stop the ongoing erosion of the land and to protect hotels, businesses and residential homes.• The port was built so that locals can bring their boats home which is located on the canal.• The park was built so that residents and locals had an open space to enjoy nature. The cultural objects displayed demonstrate how they enhance the community's lifestyle.