The legalization of marijuana will have a huge impact on society. People's behaviors will change completely and it will be necessary to assign new laws and new disciplines. People use marijuana for many reasons; some use it as a treatment in medicine most of the time as a pain reliever while others use it for their particular pleasure. Marijuana should be legalized because it is less toxic than cigarette, however cigarette is legal, people use and still use it for medicinal reasons, people will get legal benefits from the sale and the government will take control of illegal sale of marijuana on the street and it will earn your taxes money. Nicotine is one of the most widely used addictive drugs in the United States. Cigarette smoking has been the most popular method of getting nicotine since the early 20th century (Karen 101). Marijuana is less toxic than cigarettes because it contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) while cigarettes contain nicotine. In cigarettes, nicotine increases the risk of cancer while in marijuana, THC reduces the risk of cancer. If cigarettes are legal despite all the harm they can cause to smokers due to the nicotine they contain, marijuana should be legalized because it is less dangerous than cigarettes. Furthermore, marijuana is not a lethal drug and is even safer than alcohol. Alcohol tends to make people violent while marijuana does otherwise. Marijuana should be legalized because it is safer than alcohol and cigarettes, which are legal and dangerous. People have been using marijuana for centuries and it is more popular nowadays. Clayton and Scott note that “marijuana has a long history globally. Hemp was used for shipbuilding around 470 BC, and the cannabis plant was cultivated for its psychoactive properties throughout Asia and the Far East” (6). But now people use it due to its importance in medicine, where marijuana plays an important role. Marijuana is important in medicine because THC is its main active ingredient. According to medical marijuana “THC can be legally prescribed in pill form, however, in a medicine known as marinol.” Marinol was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1992. Marijuana can be used to treat and prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer drugs. People use marijuana because it has been proven to treat many symptoms of medical illnesses. By making marijuana legal, street crime will be reduced as most crimes come from illegal activities..