In the essay, Mr. Soto spends a good portion of the article pondering whether he should continue his relationship with his new Japanese girlfriend. An example of her struggle was a conversation between Mr. Soto and his mother: “But the more I talked, the more worried she became. Was it a mistake? "Marrying a Mexican girl." I heard my mother in my mind” (pp. 220). All of Mr. Soto's doubts about his relationship stem from his family's beliefs. He grew up with the idea that a Mexican wife was the best and only option for him. Only by visiting his family did his inner doubts calm down: “On the highway I felt happy, pleased with everything. I patted Carolyn's thigh. His people were like Mexicans, only difference” (pp 222). From experiences meeting people he would never meet, Mr. Soto has discovered that race has no limits, one