The Dalai Lama, the acclaimed spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, was forced into exile in 1959. He now resides in Dharamsala, India, but considers himself a citizen of the world . The first of his pragmatic words to impress me was this statement. “Should scientific analysis conclusively demonstrate that some claims of Buddhism are false, we must accept the findings of science and abandon those claims.” The mere articulation of these words by a prominent world religious leader is enough to make me stop and listen with rapture to what this ecumenical gentleman has to spread. The main claim of Buddhism is to proclaim the validity of truth. The pronounced authority of experience with reason is their second ambition, and the cultivation of the Scriptures their final priority. In 1987 he established the Mind and Life conferences, which are held every two years at his residence. Each is an international effort to unite the world's most advanced scientific minds in an open consortium with reciprocity of ideas and theories. I agree with the Dalai Lama's premise that science is a form of inquiry and the body of knowledge that gives rise to understanding. Healthy skepticism is necessary for progressive insight, as it is the discernment required to experience new discoveries. Acuity combined with the natural human search for understanding leads to the expansion of our consciousness and current methodologies. We must always be aware of the person wielding the scientific instrument because he or she may not possess authentic and genuine intentions. It is the cosmological paradigm of good versus evil that we deal with on a daily basis. The Buddhist perspective, and coincidentally the Popperian thesis of falsifiability, b... at the heart of the document... the true human being was one of awe the encouragement, wisdom and insight that exudes. Pragmatism and conformity will lead us to the precipice, the fortitude to delve into unknown and dark territories is mandatory for future discoveries and enigmas. His message of hope, compassion and understanding is illuminated in every word written in The Universe in a Single Atom. I was raised in a religious doctrine whose intent was to consummate acceptance and which attempted (and failed) to teach sassy children like me to obey and not question convention. My excursions, cognitive acuity, and humility have led me to walk the path of enlightenment. I strive to be aware and apply reason in the face of adversity. Be vigilant and recognize the limits of knowledge, both collective and personal, and be aware of humanity and the planet we inhabit.