Seeks to implement the post-Kyoto agreements applicable to all UNFCC nations. According to the France Diplomatie website "The meeting will mark a decisive stage in the negotiations on the future international agreement on the post-2020 regime and, as agreed in Durban, will adopt the main lines of that regime. By the end of the meeting, for the first Once in more than 20 years of UN negotiations, all the nations of the world, including the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, will be bound by a universal climate agreement.” (“France Diplomatie” 2013) To prepare for COP21; November 12, 2014 the governments of the United States and China reached an agreement under which the United States will reduce its emissions by about a third by 2025, and China will gradually reduce its emissions and begin reducing them by a third by By 2030, China has also agreed that by then at least 20% of its electricity will come from renewable sources. This would constitute an increase of 1000 GiW of energy over current levels. (Hoye, Yan. 2014) Although some, such as US Senator Mitch McConnell, have argued that this agreement allows China to “do nothing” for 16 years and places the onus on us, this sentiment is misguided. Because U.S. emissions have fallen by about 10% from 2005 levels, as discussed above, the United States will have an easier time further reducing its emissions to 26%-28% by 2025. In comparison, in In the last ten years, China has developed very rapidly, lifting more than 100 million people out of poverty. China's new middle class consumes more energy, causing China's emissions to skyrocket over that period. Over the past 10 years, China has added half and a half to the entire US number of coal-fired power plants. To achieve the agreed cuts of up to 30% by 2030 while maintaining growth, China will have to dramatically change the way it does business. This is one of the reasons for the agreed increase in renewable energy