Part APrimary health care arises from the economic, cultural, social and political conditions of a country and is described as an essential part of health care universally provided to individuals in a community country and community expenditure (World Health Organization [WHO], 1978). The goal of primary health care is to address major local health problems, but it involves educating the community about these problems as well as providing treatments for diseases (WHO, 1978). Furthermore, primary health care concerns the promotion of nutrition, sanitation standards, family planning, immunization, disease control and prevention, and promotes and relies on the participation of the community and individuals in the functions of primary health care (WHO, 1978). policies and interventions that result in positive health outcomes within a community and further distribution of these outcomes among individuals in the community (Kindig and Stoddart, 2003). Primary health care and population health overlap and complement each other because primary health care constitutes the fundamental infrastructure of the national health system (WHO, 1978), so other aspects of national health care are built on the principles , on the organization and functions defined in the country's primary healthcare policies and regulations. For example, primary care is provided to individuals and population health is about the health of the community. However, population health depends on adequate individual care because individuals with potentially communicable diseases can pose a threat to public health, so population health can plan its interventions in the community based on evidence gathered from primary health observations ... half of the document ......r action accordingly.Article n.6. Finally, the issue of an influenza pandemic must be addressed by agencies and organizations other than healthcare professionals, therefore the occupational health nurse in the role of educator will notify and advise border controls, travel agencies and all international organizations on appropriate rules and regulations in this situation why you should not be allowed to enter and leave Australia during a pandemic without adequate vaccination. Although quarantines have been ineffective against influenza pandemics in the past and a 90% restriction on air travel can delay the pandemic by no more than two weeks (, 2011b), making vaccination mandatory for travelers should not be overlooked because it can both slow the progress of the disease within the Australian community and prevent its spread to other communities.