Every single person has their own unique way of writing and expressing their thoughts. It's impossible to declare one correct form of writing, especially since there are so many different genres. Emily Dickinson is known as one of the greatest writers in history, but if a student turned in something written in a style similar to what she wrote in, they would undoubtedly fail, due to the very radical style. The Canterbury Tales, a historically well-known work, would not be published even today, due to its confusing style and format. Someone can answer a question in an essay through poetry, and it might be very well written and answer the question completely, but they would most likely be forced to rewrite it in a traditional essay format. Throughout history writers have succeeded in myriad different ways. No one writes epic poems anymore, yet Paradise Lost and Beowulf are some of the most popular literary works of all time. Furthermore, a teacher may prefer a narrative poem over a sonnet or pastoral poem, and thus be biased in determining which is a good poem. So, there really is no correct way to judge writing, and especially to teach writing. What one considers "good" by writing, another can declare "bad". A style that is considered “correct” today may be considered “wrong” among a hundred