The average failure time for all groups was 53.89%. Most of the time it was the teacher doing the talking. The average lower order thinking time was 45.96% with a minimum of 40%. The average critical thinking time was 6.36% and the average nonspecific nonperformance time was 1.57%. Beginner choirs showed a higher average of non-specific non-performing behavior times than advanced choirs. This is to be expected because beginner groups likely have less discipline than advanced choirs and will require more instruction. The data from this research shows that there is a positive correlation between the time dedicated to non-performance activity and the time dedicated to critical thinking. After comparing all the evidence, it was concluded that the teacher spent more time teaching than students responding. Half of the rehearsal time was spent performing and the other half was spent non-performing, however, the advanced choirs spent more time performing than the beginner choirs