Caring for dementia patients requires a lot of patience and understanding. It should be approached boldly and impeccably to ensure the well-being of vulnerable adults. Helping at home or in a nursing home requires caregivers to be at their best, physically and emotionally. The responsibility can be distressing but it is also rewarding since helping adults with dementia with their daily activities is an important issue for them. However, carers need a break as overwork can result in sub-standard nursing care. The big question is: who cares for those who care for people with dementia? It is estimated that there are 5 million carers in the UK and the figures are predicted to rise to 9 million over the next 40 years (O' Dowd, 2007). With this large number of carers, carers can ask for support at times when difficulties arise in caring for people with dementia. There are many issues that may be related to carers of people with dementia. Physical and psychological workload can be considered the most common concern among healthcare workers (Fjelltun et al., 2009). Furthermore, O' Dowd (2007) stated that carers are more likely to endure increased anxiety and a sense of responsibility which results in carers' neglect of their own well-being. Furthermore, caregivers suffer more stress than those who do not provide care to older adults with dementia. Relatedly, caregivers' health is not related to their emotional functioning (Bristow et al., 2008). These different reports suggest that healthcare assistants suffer from more notable psychological problems than ordinary people. This can be considered the exposure of healthcare workers to a stressful environment. Dementia is a complex, progressive condition that is often affected by certain health conditions. (2010) Dementia. The more we understand, the more we can help. Crown: COIFjelltun, A., Henriksen, N., Norberg, A., Gilje, F., Normann, H. (2009) Nurses' and caregivers' assessments of workload in the care of frail older adults awaiting placement in a nursing home. Scand J Caring Sci [online] volume 23, p57–66 Available from: [Accessed 23 March, 2010]Hoskins,S., Coleman,M., McNeely,D. (2005) Stress in carers of individuals with dementia and community mental health groups: an uncontrolled evaluation study. Blackwell Publishing Ltd: Personal Social Services and Nursing and Health Management and Policy Research Unit. (2007) Dementia in the UK. London: London School of Economics, King's College London.O'Dowd, A. (2007) Who Else Cares? Assistance for the elderly. Volume 18, p12-14