Topic > The Power of Reward by Barack Obama - 883

To delve deeper into this topic I will start with the power of reward. Throughout a politician's career, be it a mayor, a senator, a governor, or any other elected official, that person will need the people on their side if they ever come to power in the first place. place. One of the main ways these individuals come to power is to first campaign across the city, state or country (in the case of President Obama) and during these campaigns numerous promises are made by the individual to the people he himself . or wishes to be elected by. These promises and the rewards people get if they put this individual in office. The legitimate power in this case comes from the obvious placement of the title given to our President of the United States, I am the “Commander in Chief”. As the leader of our military and generally as the leader of our country, our President has all the authority to issue orders and these orders should not only be followed only from a compliance standpoint, but in most cases are really just the law. In my opinion this is probably one of the clearest and most accurate examples of legitimate powers we have. The Expert Power type is honestly a bit forced, but it doesn't come from the President himself but more from the people around him. The President is always surrounded by experts in their fields. He rarely finds himself in a situation where he is not prepared with the most up-to-date knowledge or whatever he is dealing with. Regardless of the crisis at hand, there is a good chance that the first person to be informed of what is happening is the President, which in my opinion gives him the extension of the Expert Power type. Referent power