His experience of being stranded on a lifeboat in the middle of the vast Pacific Ocean with only the company of a 300-pound Bengali tiger was unimaginably difficult, however he built character by observing his situations and finding solutions to overcome them. Pi has learned numerous advanced survival skills and developed many quick thinking skills to successfully survive for 225 days. Completing the hero's journey is important in everyone's life, not just fictional characters, as it provides the opportunity to learn new skills and overcome your greatest fears. Through the most difficult phase of trials/allies/enemies Pi developed these skills using the limited resources at his disposal and created life-saving equipment such as the raft to aid his survival. Pi displays his vast knowledge about animals as he manages to manipulate Richard Parker into allowing them to have equal territories on the lifeboat. His personal development is seen through his unwavering faith in his three Gods and his devotion to his religions. During his struggles Pi does not once blame his God for the situation he finds himself in; rather, he thanks him every time he hears that a sign such as the storm or the two has been given