Topic > Rape Essay - 1076

Sexual violence, also known as harassment, is the unwanted imposition of sexual behavior on a person by another person. Women are especially known to have been associated with sexual violence for a long time (Beneke, 2005). A rapidly growing form of sexual violence is rape (Beneke, 2005). Rape is the act of intercourse imposed on a woman through violence. Rape is a rapidly growing form. It is said that if the current act of rape continues, approximately one in four women will be sexually harassed in her lifetime (Beneke, 2005). Rape can have many harmful factors after a person has been assaulted. The effects of rape can permanently damage a person. The damage can be both physical and psychological. Our body, when faced with stressful situations, exerts a lot of energy to help us manage the situation. A traumatic event, such as rape, takes a long time for a person to readjust (RAINN, 2005). Some common psychological effects of rape consist of some of the following: post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and dissociation (RAINN, 2005). PTSD occurs after a person experiences a terrifying event. Post-traumatic stress can lead to depression. Depression can lead a person to believe that they are worthless and that what happened is their fault. After depression, one may choose to dissociate from society (RAINN, 2005). The physical and emotional effects of rape can also be very harmful. After a person has been raped, their body has endured many things. Some effects that can be felt physically are pain, bruising, or bleeding (RAINN, 2005). In some cases, pregnancy can be the result of rape. It is estimated that approximately 5% of rape cases end in pregnancy (RAINN, 2005). Sometimes, an external physical effect... in the center of the paper... a woman with a scar. Women may not leave for other reasons, such as believing the abuser will improve economic hardship and feelings of shame (Benokraitis, 2012). Any form of violence, inside or outside the family, is always wrong. Men and women should learn to respect each other physically, mentally or sexually. You must always be alert, aware and assertive. For those who have been victims of sexual assault, there are ways to get help. You can turn to a counselor or increasingly be part of different programs that focus on different forms of violence, such as: marital rape, rape and family (domestic violence). Some programs that will help a rape victim are: Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), Safe Horizon, and Rape Crisis. For family or domestic violence issues, some programs include: Women in Distress, Safe Horizon, or a hotline.