If you find yourself in a place or situation that is unfamiliar or comfortable, you find yourself facing your shortcomings. On the contrary, when you are in your comfort zone it is easy to adapt and hide your flaws from the world. As scary as it may seem, there is a certain comfort in putting everything out in the open. When we are at our most vulnerable we tend to find others who are in the same state. This ties back to Gandhi's belief that we should unite as one to help the oppressed and less fortunate. Gandhi believed that social work and helping others should be about “compassion for others over the pursuit of self-interest, and social justice over individual achievement.” While we are improving our pitfalls, there are times when we are bound to meet people who also make us better and less self-involved versions (Walz). Realizing your flaws can be a humbling experience, but it rarely happens in your comfort zone. Every time these imperfections come to light, it will be an epiphany