In the first circle of hell rest the individuals who never fought for what was right. When they saw an individual being targeted and his belongings thrown to the ground, the “bystander” walked away instead of helping the victim. They chose fear over courage throughout their high school careers. The Punishment: These individuals will spend eternity wandering the school corridors tormented in the same way as the students they did not fight for in their lifetime. In high school, these individuals let their uncontainable desires prevail over their moral guidance. These individuals craved what they wanted rather than doing what was right. The punishment: "Promiscuous" students will spend eternity stuck in gym locker room showers trying to rid themselves of the filth that covers their tainted bodies and is visible only to them. .Here lie the students who found it fun to spread rumors and gossip about their classmates. “Gossipers” have spent their high school careers revealing information that was not their place to share in the first place. The punishment: These individuals will spend eternity among a crowd full of students, remaining invisible, while rumors about them are constantly spread. Their classmates talk about them as if they aren't there while they are forced to watch and listen. These sinners let their selfishness and recklessness endanger their classmates. The lack of self-control in their lives has led others to overanalyze every move they make in the hallways to avoid "The Fighter". The Punishment - These individuals who chose to beat up others for their own good and enjoyment will spend eternity fighting the last person on every......half of paper......d the rest of eternity stuck like a bomb, which will have a ticker starting at the top of the hour, dying off after the first five minutes of starting the sinner spends the rest of the hour suffering with an incredible amount of pain. In the final circle of hell lies the individual who makes the entire high school experience painful for everyone: The Whiner. These students complain about everything from academic requirements to extracurricular activities. These individuals will complain about anything as long as they have an audience to listen to them. The punishment: These crybabies will be stuck for all eternity in a dark room with no way out, forced to listen to their own voice while repeating their complaints over and over again. Still. "The Whiners" will not be able to hear their own thoughts because their complaints will be broadcast through the speakers surrounding the room.