Introduction: Journaling is a powerful thing; There are many different uses for a journal, from personal thoughts to keeping track of a shipment for later resources. Many people don't use journals which is a shame, my goal in this article is to show the different areas of journaling and possibly make it part of your life. Thesis: My thesis is to show the importance of journaling in leadership and others positions. To get started, it doesn't take long to get started, all you need is a pen or pencil, preferably a pencil in case you need to change something, but a wise teacher once told me that his mother asked him one thing very interesting question: "What do you use in crossword puzzles, a pen or a pencil", he then later stated "I always do mine in pen", now the reason why he always does it in pen is so that you know that you have it you wrote it the first time and you feel confident about it. The next thing you would or should need is something to write on, it can be anything from a store bought journal to a restaurant napkin, although having a book of napkins may seem absurd, it doesn't matter as long as it is something to jolt your thoughts down. The other thing you should have is a positive attitude, believe me, it is useful in all aspects of life, a great man once said: "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human being can alter his life by altering one's mental attitude." by William James.” (Page 88 John Maxwell The 21 essential qualities of a leader). That's all it takes to start an effective journal, so stay focused because we'll address the purpose of journaling. The first area I would like to delve into is the thinking aspect of journaling. I don't know about you, but I like to think that it makes me feel like the smartest man in the world. I took this course called Practicum Seminar Leadership and for the course we had to go on a solo trip for about 3 days, by ourselves, and I thought a lot while I was out there and I wish I had had a journal to keep all my thoughts down, because some of them were lost, but I came out of there with a deep understanding of what it means to be positive.