“The Future of Children” writers Adam Thomas, Ph.D., and Isabel Sawhill write that “single-parent families may benefit from incentives such as tax cuts and child support children, but still earn less than two-parent families." Research also indicates that financial stability ensures that the parent provides for the child's basic needs. In a recent study, researchers surveyed 13,500 mothers to measure children's behavior. Participating mothers were asked to note their children's energy levels, behavior, emotional problems, and relationships with friends and peers as “normal” or “abnormal.” After collecting information from the mothers, the researchers assigned the children into three categories of groups, labeling them from “normal” to “severe behavioral problems.” The researchers found that stepchildren and single-parent children were significantly more likely to misbehave. Numerous studies have confirmed that children do better in families with both biological parents, but raising a child in a two-parent home is not always possible or the best choice. Single parenthood affects children, but not all effects do