Introduction Around the world, we also need to know how physical activity has the potential to prevent health risks for young children. One of these health risks is obesity, which affects middle childhood children between the ages of 6 and 11. So, how has society prevented childhood obesity and what strategies can be implemented to develop and promote physical activity awareness among children? If young children were educated and informed about the important benefits of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, including the involvement of family, health, school environment and media, and consideration was given to what children are taught , then a large percentage of overweight children would decline in numbers. To begin, we will examine the influence of physical activity on early childhood children and discuss the vital roles in addressing or preventing obesity. Additionally, detailed below are strategies a teacher should use to address or prevent obesity; however, there is a need in middle-aged childhood development to help prevent and manage this situation and the international health risk that currently exists in today's society. (The Australian Medical Association, 2009). Middle childhood: the importance of physical activity. For young children, physical activity can advance understanding quickly; on the other hand, physical activity levels begin to decrease as early as middle childhood. These children have a lot of extra weight, so they need physical activity to burn it off; Furthermore, they grow very quickly and, speaking, physical activity helps them gain weight and coordination and plays a key role in health. Furthermore, it is important to underline the reason why obesity represents a health risk... at the center of the article... control and prevention of childhood overweight and obesity. (2011). Retrieved from;, T. M., & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child development and education (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.Poglitsch.M.(ed.).(2008). Middle childhood: physical growth and development. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pellegrini AD and D. Bjorkland, (1996-1997). Recover its role in education and development: the importance of physical activity. Mahwah,NJ: LawrenceThe Australian Medical Association,Obesity.(2009) Retrieved from,( nd).The Role of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity, excerpt from