Topic > What is the relationship between technology and social…

People started reaching out to others just when they needed someone else's help, because obviously now we can just call and ask for help. But the problem here is not just technology and social media, but how we use them. Most people simply let technology control what they do and how they live their lives. Ultimately, the impact of social media and technology on relationships and face-to-face interactions plays an important role. Technology takes our precious time and converts it into wasted time on our smartphones, tablets and laptops. It bothers me that we can no longer have a civil dialogue with anyone. When you walk the halls of your school, I would say almost every single person you see is looking at their phone screen, texting, taking Snapchat videos, taking selfies, checking Facebook updates, etc., no matter what they're doing it, technology is taking away the time we used to spend with friends and