Data management projectIn this part of the course I am studying how the weight of a sample of pupils can be influenced by various factors, for example age, gender, height etc. I have chosen to compare weights with the three factors listed above: age, sex and height and in the course of this investigation my aim is to demonstrate that the weight of a certain group of people can be influenced by certain factors and that other factors may not have any effect on weight at all.Plan:I was given a survey of all the pupils at 'Mayfield School'. I have more than 800 data cells containing the following information about a pupil:* Year Group* Surname* First Name* Age (in years and months)* Gender* IQ* Height (m)* Weight (kg) To carry out my survey I it is necessary to take a sample from the information collected. To obtain data that allows me to work with a valid statistical technique, I need a sample size with over 30 data points for my analysis to be valid. I will take a sample size of 60 because later in my investigation I will divide my data into genders, so I will need 60 data points for males and 60 data points for females. The reason for such a large sample size is that if I encounter any outliers I will exclude them completely and my sample size will not be affected because it is so large. The samples will be taken randomly; I will select my data point for both males and females by performing stratified sampling. The reason I selected random sampling is that my survey is fair (NOT BIAS). Stratified sampling will ensure this is correct because I will get a decent range of data from different parts of Mayfield's data. My data will be collected in a frequency table and this