In 1927, Prime Minister Baron Tanaka Giichi revealed this to Emperor Hirohito. It provided the necessary steps to conquer Asia. Their attempt at world domination was, for the most part, successful. But introducing a new type of war into the world. A war of deliberate terrorism, of deliberate mass murder. Military advisor General William Mayor said, explaining the Japanese justification for undeclared war with China, that “once again Japanese honor has been insulted, once again the insult must be avenged.” This is an example of how strong Japanese nationalist views were and how focused they were on seeing themselves as leaders of Asia. Japan relied heavily on American oil and metals to support its war effort in China. Any threat to halt such exports would have a significant impact on Japanese plans. Hoping to curb Japanese plans, the United States notified Japan in May 1939 that it was withdrawing from the 1911 Trade Treaty. Under the terms of the treaty, within six months the United States would be free to limit or stop exports to the Japan. But surrendering or backing down for the Japanese is worse than suicide, as it damages their honor. And so Japan continued its war in China. Even after six months had passed, the US government was hesitant to freeze assets to Japan. Believing that this would force Japan to invade to gain new sources of supply