Year-long education includes one hundred and eighty days, the same number of days that traditional school students are enrolled in. All schools should adopt annual timetables. This change would greatly benefit the education department. This change in schedules would solve current problems such as “Summer Slide,” which is the reason teachers know why students lose so much information learned during summer vacation. Saving the teacher's critical instructional time would ensure students have more time to learn more than the usual review of material missed in the previous school year. Ultimately, this change would allow schools to be eligible to be completed worldwide, or rather to be thought of as a more advanced or even improving country academically. “Summer Slide” is the predicted cause for children to lose information they were taught in previous school. year. Students who belong to families with lower than average income are more likely to lose these skills during the summer holidays. However, regardless of the income that goes into that house, most students lose “two months of grade-level equivalency” in math skills each summer. Research shows that over the past 100 years, students typically score lower on standardized tests at the end of summer vacation than on the same tests at the beginning of the year. Harris Cooper, a social psychologist, conducted a study focusing on the summer slide and found that summer learning loss is real. He also found that summer affects all students in all major classes. The NSLA, which is the national association for summer learning, believes that the reason children miss out on information over the summer is due to a lack of children involved in summer learning activities. B... halfway through the paper... everything already in the school all year round. Many think that “year-round schooling” by definition means that children are sent to school 365 days a year. Annual schooling requires enrollment for one hundred and eighty days, the same number of days as the traditional school timetable. Therefore, schools should transition to year-round schooling. This change in scheduling will address the summer creep effect that causes teachers to lose valuable instructional time. With year-round school you gain extra, more critical time to learn. With this extra time, without having to worry about reviewing information that kids should have learned earlier, the United States can achieve higher rankings in global academic competition. Parents should be willing to accept school schedules throughout the year to ensure their children get the most they can get out of their educational experience.