They feel like it's the only way to live that works. They don't see the need to set goals because no one encourages them otherwise. Children believe they need to make a name for themselves within the community and social media. They feel the need for social power but do not need educational power to overcome a horrible situation. Without a greater need to get an education, this gives the government a reason to continue placing blacks into categories. However, Black people are not the only individuals living in affected urban areas. Regardless of the fact that many whites are not found in urban areas, there are some who existed in those areas. However, they do not despise them as much as blacks because government officials see them as a social support for the areas. (Pp.103-104) When the Public Housing Act was established, the purpose was to help working families. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case because public housing now helps those in desperate need of a home. Many taxpayers have questioned the government's decisions on the policy change. Black people are not the only individuals who receive public housing, but many white working families have abandoned public housing because they refuse to address the behaviors that Black people exhibit. Without working families in public housing, it led