In the next lines “Just returned from the club” someone came to her house to visit her, this person maybe a friend or family member came by chance. "I can't hear her breathing." When you hear someone breathing this could mean that the person is probably sobbing, they don't know why but they can sense that something is out of place not only from the sobs but sometimes we can feel when something bad is about to happen or is happening "Something's not working" it doesn't seem right." Then he realizes that this person is being attacked and her attacker is looking for a way to hurt her more "Killer in the hallway". He knows there is no time and he needs to help her before his attacker gets to her and hurts her more or even kills her. "We live by set times" sometimes there is no time to think too much about our actions, we have to act before it's too late, sometimes we just have to act "We have to get out, go far" is our life and we have to do something about it even if it seems like a mission