Law enforcement uses many tracking technologies these days. The use of newly developed technology can help law enforcement agencies catch criminals much more quickly. Additionally, this allows officers to respond more quickly to crime scenes. Using some of this equipment can save a person's life with a quick response. Many high-tech devices are expensive, but appear to work in states with high crime rates. Technology has its positives and negatives, but nothing is one hundred percent effective. Some technologies get noticed by people on the street and tend to be destroyed before they can even be used. That said, it doesn't work when crimes are committed in those areas. Ultimately, then, these technologies may be contrary to a person's Fourth Amendment rights. There are many new technologies and devices used by law enforcement that have their positive and negative issues. For example, using drones has its good and its bad. The use of drones in the city environment can cause problems. Drones could definitely get caught in cables hanging in the air. This could cause outages or even cause electrical problems in neighborhoods. Another problem would be that you can only use them in open areas. This would prevent criminals from being caught in urban centers where crime is really high. Using them in open rural areas tends to help with larger crimes committed such as terrorism. Countries like Iraq, Iran and others see these devices as a terrorist attack by the United States. This tends to spark wars when large drones are used in other countries. In my opinion I like the shot spotter device. Officers can be some distance away and know where a gun was fired from. That gives the office... half a paper... tires like the motorcycles officers first rode in 1909. But his Harley is equipped with more technology: from LED lights to an updated radio system. And while he wears a uniform like the city's first officers in 1858, he is also equipped with a head-mounted camera, a bulletproof vest and a Taser attached to his hip. Technology is constantly evolving in law enforcement, Topeka Police Chief Ron Miller said. “There will always be technological advances in law enforcement,” Miller said. Bottom line, technology changes every day. Law enforcement must keep up with the times. Some devices I have been able to find date back to 1932 and are on the rise to being found in police cars. Most are expensive but worth the money. The United States needs technological devices to contain criminal activity. Criminal activity is not decreasing rapidly but it is decreasing slowly.