Topic > And the Limits in Steinbeck's "The Chrysanthemums"

He had let his guard down and trusted that the handyman was someone who appreciated and appreciated his work in some way. He was so sad when he saw the flowers he had given to the handyman lying on the street that he tried, in vain, not to look at them. Furthermore, when he passed the handymen's cart, he turned his back on them. After her death she cried, according to the narrator, like a weak old woman. “The Lottery”1. How does the opening scene contrast with what happens at the end of the story? The opening scene of the story is completely opposite to the ending. The story opens with the description of a “clear and sunny summer day. The lottery would take place soon enough for the residence to return home and resume normal operations. The children were playing provocatively 2. What is Tessie's reaction when her family is chosen? Is this normal? Tessie's reaction is normal. When her family was singled out she was distraught and insisted Mr Summers had cheated. She kept saying that she hadn't given her husband enough time. Like any mother, Tessie is concerned about the well-being of her family member. 3. Why is Old Man Warner included in the story? What an attitude he has?