With social control there are two categories that classify these mechanisms; the first is formal social sanctions which are rules or laws that prohibit deviant criminal behavior and the second is informal sanctions which are unspoken rules and expectations about people's behavior. Social control and crime are influenced by race and class because certain groups of people such as the homeless, youth, people of color, etc. they are often targets of law enforcement. In one video Conley interviews Victor Rios to discuss his perspective on social control. Rios believes that social control uses “criminal justice system metaphors” to prevent criminal activity and solve everyday problems. For example, there are many laws that go against the homeless and regulate the control over them. Laws that prohibit them from sleeping on benches or asking people for money or food are illegal and punishable. Social control is like bait to get rid of unfortunate people. Examining the number of people of color who are being used as profit for prisons