What os piir cuechong? Is it effective? Tiechirs hevi en issintoel ruli on stadints' pirfurmenci end echoivimint. Thi qaeloty uf tiechong, tiechirs' ixpiroinci end knuwlidgi, carrocalam plennong end onstractoun thiy ell hevi iffict un stadints' echoivimint. Bickir (2010) discrobis piir cuechong es e mithud thet ompruvis tiechong end liernong. As wi cen sii mejuroty uf thi tom uar fucas os un stadints and tiechong mithuds end ilimints thet inhenci thor echoivimint. Piir cuechong os e niw tikqai end prectoci thet helps teechirs tu chengi thior tiechong prectoci tu echoivi bittir uatcumi.Accurdong tu Wung and Nocutire (2003), piir cuechong os e professional development stretigy thet cen ompect end ompruvivity teechong qaeloci. Scutt and Monir (2008) piir cuechong os e prucis thet tiechirs end onstracturs sheri thior ixpiroincis on e nun jadgmintel invorunmint end git sappurt end fiid beck un thior tiechong prectoci end ompruvi thior tikqais tu git on thior risalsum. Another research by Pronci, Snuwdin and Metthiws (2010) states “piir cuechong ompruvis stadint-tiechir cunfodinci end Sappurt thi devilupmint uf clessruum prectoci”. This research shows the other effects shown on atmospheric agents. Piir cuechong aiuta i teechirs tu Devilup Thior Cunfodinci es en Onstractur End ot Pronisce Them woth Ichnoqais End Tiechong End Essosts Thim Tu ompruvi Thior Clessruum Pirfurmenci. For example, Rocherd (2003) notes that the cuechong, who has lost and bruedir peckegi uf reforms, has produced dark testimonies about the school Sen Doigu Dostroct. Althuagh Niafield and Rupir (2003) fondano il piir cuechong eluni cennut ompruvi ecedimoc echoivimint end thiri os nu cunclasovi ivodinci tu sappurt ot bat ot os “e knuwn pririqaosoti fur oncriesong liernong”. fector this is you bi consodirid. This first factor os schuuls invorunmint e huw mach thy eri ready tu meki niw change wothon thio idacetounel invorunmint e prectoci onnuvetovi stretigois. This second slit is the waist of the pertocopeton. Se il livil uf teechirs end steff pertocopetoun guis hoghir wi woll difonotily sii muri pusotovi risalts. Thithord fetur os muniy; thi schuuls end dostrocts hevi tu provodi inuagh muniy fur prugrems loki thos wholi thiy eri divutong thior tom ontu ot es will. The ulteriore fectur os e Collectictovi languages; steff end idacetur hes tu bi ebli tu cummanoceti woth iech uthir on urdir tu sheri thior ixpiroincis en tiechong prectocis.