Topic > A career as a game warden vs. Nursing Career - 850

Salary is completely different between the two careers. Nursing salaries, starting in South Carolina, range from $50,000 to $66,000. The nursing career benefits you will receive will be insurances such as dental, medical, and vision, plus perhaps a few others depending on the plan. Also retirement savings and vacation time with paid time off, sick days and personal time off. Your retirement comes from your 401 k plan and your 403 b plan. While a game warden starting salary in South Carolina is $33,608. The benefits you will receive are vacation and insurance. The benefits are like most benefits if you work for the federal or state government. Leave benefits are for paid time off, vacations where you don't have much to do compared to how many jobs they have in South Carolina, plus you will get sick time. There are many other benefits for a game warden, such as family medical leave, military leave, and civilian leave. Along with insurances such as health, dental and