Communication is the key to any successful relationship. Communication is not just talking, there are many factors involved in communication. Interpersonal communication is necessary in any type of relationship. A newly engaged couple decides to stay in a committed relationship. This letter will explain the development of the power of words and how words can influence attitudes, behaviors and perceptions within people, furthermore, the document will explain the impact of gender and culture on interpersonal communications. This letter will also reveal what appropriate levels of self-disclosure relationships. Last but not least, recognize how self-concept and defensive and supportive messages and behaviors create positive and negative communication climates. Communication is necessary for all relationships, the important factor that can create a relationship relationship and establish one. When partners decide to get married they will have to communicate and understand each other, communication seems easy but it is not and it takes time to communicate effectively. When couples decide to get acquainted, they must include these factors to improve their communication skills. Interpersonal relationship is the key to any successful relationship. Communication is not just talking, there are many factors involved in communication. Interpersonal communication is necessary in any type of relationship. A newly engaged couple decides to stay in a committed relationship. This letter will explain development strategies for active, critical, and empathetic listening. Second, address the power of words and how it can create words that influence attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. furthermore, the article will expose… halfway through the article… gender, sexuality, and racial identity. According to an article titled “How Self-Esteem Affects Relationships,” author Suzen Phillip states that negative self-concept can lead to self-doubt in a relationship, this could affect the feelings you have towards your partner . When a person has a complex about themselves, it tends to bring negativity into a relationship, and when this happens communication will decrease Bahrick HP (March 1984). "Content of semantic memory in the permastore: fifty years of memory for Spanish learned in school". J Exp Psychol Gen 113(1):1–29. PMID 6242406.Mulnix, J. W. (2010). Thinking critically about critical thinking. Philosophy and theory of education. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-5812.2010.00673.x.Mulnix, J. W. (2010).Husman, R. C., Lahiff, J. M., & Penrose, J. M. (1988). Business communication: strategies and skills. Chicago: Dryden