Topic > The Three Biggest Problems of Society In Today's Society

Television partly has to do with violence in society, but also with drug use in our society today. For television, they seem to show too many ways to commit violent acts and how to get away with what they did. Shows like: Law and Order, CSI, Stalker, and Boardwalk Empire, just to name a few. If more TV shows were less violent people wouldn't get these ideas in their heads, but I feel like that's not the only thing that contributes to violence. Drug use in society appears to be at an all-time high. Many people use drugs such as: methamphetamines, cocaine and heroin, and if they can't find their drug of choice, they will do almost anything to get their hands on what they think they need so badly. This is where the violence comes in: they rob people, which sometimes results in people being seriously injured or even killed just so they can get their next high. I think a lot of this problem can be solved if the government didn't allow such violent shows to air and did more with drug addicts. Most people arrested for drugs serve their sentences, then get out and start using again. I think once they are caught using drugs they should be put on a drug testing program which the individual would pay for and they may have to gradually undergo less drug testing but they should start every two weeks and with good results after a period of time pushes them further