Topic > Social Responsibility in Our World - 777

Social Responsibility in Our World Have you ever wondered why companies and corporations do certain things, why they establish certain reasons and why nowadays there are reusable bags on every closure in every shop? It's all part of corporate social responsibility. Social responsibility is having a great impact on everyone around the world. Its benefits are easily seen and heard around the world and its practice is not only taught in companies but also in our homes. First, what is corporate social responsibility? It's very similar to a recipe of ingredients that make up a homemade sauce. Ethics, legality, economic and philanthropic measures are all parts that contribute to social responsibility. “The fundamental principle of CSR is that people benefit from a company's existence, or at least are not harmed by its operation,” says Corey Camp, writer for The Pitch. It's not just the thought of doing something to benefit not only the people around you, but also people around the world and to help the planet itself. Many people have made a positive push to think with this mindset in recent decades. Companies in the United States have adopted a corporate social responsibility mindset. Why? The answer is simple, they want to help the world, perhaps not for the sake of helping it, but for profit. But companies aren't the only ones working to be more socially responsible. People around the world have been thinking more about the planet and those around us by donating to charities, recycling their used goods and much more. Continuously, the impact that has been achieved by having a social responsibility mindset is astounding. Toms shoes were born in 2006 after... middle of paper... New corporate social responsibility." The Pitch. The Pitch, 03/17/2013. Web. November 22, 2013. < http:/ /jacksonhadley. com/2013/public-relations/the-new-corporate-responsibility/>.Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, 1st ed. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2013. 32-41 .Mainwaring, Simon . BOBS: How sketchers shot themselves in the foot." The We First Np, 10 20 2010. Web. 22 November 2013. .Stokes, John 12 million faulty computers." ArsTechnica. ArcTechnica, 06/29/2010. Web. 22 November 2013. .Unknown, . “TOMS Company Overview.” TOMS. TOMS, nd Web. November 22 2013. .