Topic > Advertising Essay - 759

Advertising Advertising is a process and mechanism usually used by some people or some companies who try to sell us products, services and others using different ways of publication to attract their customers. Advertising is an important source of income. In some developed countries such as the United States, where the work of advertisers is based on the media (newspapers, television, magazines, radio) used to push people to drive on their own. Advertisers use media to convince people to use their products. The points in question are:_How ads are developed_How the world of advertising touches our lives and our community. Long ago, the mechanism of advertising appeared in newspapers. Advertisers were trying to find their customers. Did the advertising mechanism first appear in newspapers, letters and faxes? Were advertisers trying to attract people by telling them a lot about their products or services, how to use them, and what benefits we would get? This process remains ongoing, most advertisers become more powerful day by day using different ways like TV, magazines, Internet? Advertising has moved from one person to large advertising companies around the world, affecting a large number of them. Today, commercial activities are usually based on advertising, especially in e-commerce, where these companies use the technology provided by the Internet to share and let customers know about their products. This is the way used by huge cartels to attract and have their customers. The 20th century represents a very interesting issue in which a part of the sciences and the advancement of studies in the most important universities in the world being one of the main implications of different specializations such as business management, advertising, business management... has become involved in the world economic. Today, advertising is provided by e-commerce the most powerful way to attract customers. These developments push advertising companies to spend billions of dollars on advertising campaigns, Internet, TV, magazines, newspapers, trying to sell us their different types of products and services. Advertising today moves everywhere, at any time, in homes, in our lives. , in everything we use It touches our minds, our eyes, everything we think about it. All this affects our lives, making us all like a robot directed by advertisers and publishers.