The Gupta family has an altar where they burn a candle and offer food to the statue. They also sing and recite ritual prayers. In the Catholic religion we do the same thing. In my family we have an altar where we also light a candle and offer food. The only difference is that we do not sing but instead recite the prayers of the rosary. Both religions also have temples filled with golden statues and artifacts. In India, religious practice is localized and individualized. They meet and ask someone to act as a priest between the people and God. In the Catholic religion our practices are also localized. Usually we will meet in a church and pray and sing together with our priest. Another thing that both these religions have in common is that both Hindus and Catholics pray before anything else. The only difference I know from the video is that Hindus also do yoga and meditate to escape the modern world. As a Catholic, neither I nor my family have ever meditated or done yoga. I have not met another Catholic who does this