He uses homophobic slurs towards the band and calls them women to get them to do what he wants. Fletcher believes that these subsets of people are inferior to heterosexual men. Why else would he use them as insults? There are no women in the band because according to him they are not as good as men. Whether women aren't as ambitious or can't handle the pressure, Fletcher won't let them play in his band. These ideas are reflected in The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks (Lockhart). In this book, the protagonist, Frankie, cannot join a secret society because she is a girl. The leaders of this secret society have the same thoughts as Fletcher. They believe that women are too weak and will not be able to keep up with them. Fletcher uses slurs as a way of telling the band that they are just as bad as women or gay men. He believes that being one of these things is similar to being