Topic > Living at my grandparents house - 1430

Originally, I was born in San Antonio, Texas to my parents Tammy and Richard Hernandez on August 25, 1998. My family moved to Pearsall when I was about 1 year, so we could live closer to family and my parents could work without having to leave me alone with a babysitter, leaving me with my grandparents instead. Living in my grandparents' house was just like any traditional Hispanic family, except we mostly spoke English and only learned a few words in Spanish. By traditional Hispanic family I mean many people in a relatively small home, where the kitchen is the heart of the home and the elders of the home are the most revered and respected. Growing up in Pearsall, Texas in the late 90's allowed me to experience small town life while still experiencing city life, being born and still living near San Antonio, establishing a close relationship with the my extended family and getting to experience public school in a small community. Pearsall is a small town about 50 miles from San Antonio, and even though I wasn't born here I grew up here and this is where I call home. I wasn't even old enough to remember when we first moved to Pearsall and for that reason my grandparents' house is what I call my "first home". Pearsall isn't the smallest town ever but it certainly isn't the biggest, especially when I was growing up. The oil boom recently made our city grow, but back then I was always out in the yard for fun, which piqued my curiosity about insects. “Back then, before the oil boom, the neighbors were friendly and you could play outside without fear, it was a traditional town, and that's something I miss.” (Sanchez) It is worth mentioning that during this time my parents were still worried… halfway… getting good grades has always been important, each of the adults in the family always pushed for us to get a good education and this It's a lesson I carry with me. “Education is really important in shaping what you want to do and what career you want to pursue.” (Sanchez) The city I'm from may not be the best, but I'll still work hard. That's something else I attribute to my family and my heritage, the importance of a good work ethic. This is basically the fact that I'm a shy, quiet, small-town Hispanic guy who would do anything for his friends and family. I will never forget my roots wherever I go in life and for this I thank my family. Growing up in Pearsall, Texas allowed me to enjoy small town life, establish a close family relationship, and experience the experience of attending a small public school, and that's who I am.