Karl Marx wrote: “It matters not how high [a small house] may grow in the course of civilization, whether the neighboring building rises equally or even greater, the occupant of the relatively small house will always find himself dissatisfied (Marx 33).” This makes an excellent analogy to public education. In the world of education, people have different levels of scholastic aptitude and intellectual ability. People in the small house category - those who are less educationally experienced and their supporters, are often dissatisfied when their peers, who belong to the large house group, grow at the same or faster rate than them, because they will always be relatively less rich from an educational point of view. How should the government address this problem? While advocates of egalitarian education present academic equality as a noble cause, in reality it mocks excellence, promotes mediocrity, and is ultimately harmful to society. The attitude that promotes educational equality must be taken into account. CS Lewis describes this mentality in his work Screwtape proposes a toast: “The feeling I mean is obviously that which makes a man say I am as good as you. Under the influence of this spell those who are inferior in some way can work harder and more successfully than ever to bring everyone else down to their level (Lewis 200). “This attitude is destructive because it pushes the individual to embrace a lie and try to turn it into truth by tearing down those who succeed academically. With this in mind, consider how a truly egalitarian educational system would work. Erich Fromm, a proponent of egalitarianism, wrote: “Just as modern mass production demands the standardi... paper medium... the art of loving. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000. 15. eBook.Giannuzi, Timothy. Public education offers mediocrity." Calgary Herald May 9, 2006. n. page.Web.News%20Views/Pages/Public%20education%20offers%20mediocrity.aspx>.Lewis, CS The Screwtape Letters. reprint. New York, New York: HarperCollins, 2001. 207. Web. id=HpydZ7Xl1xwC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q& f=false>.Marx, Karl. Wage Labor and Capital . id=RX9irx0oI64C&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f= false>.