The near future seems crucial in our daily life, many facts are so evident in many different corners by those who can show exceptional skill in their creativity, or originality in showing understanding of nature of things or their intuition in judging a typical object or a specific body, which has created a mass influence in everyday life, but those who cannot, are experiencing the peak moment in the evolution of technology, of fashion and science, surpassing them every day but not knowing the great psychological impact caused in many perspectives - Both in a positive and negative way. If we consider this carefully, technology can be classy in the very strange world we live in, for example the transformation of huge mobile phones into the latest ingenious, forward-thinking and powerful smartphones. Interestingly, a particular object itself can be overwhelming. be put into many categories with our brain functioning with different layers consciously or unconsciously I believe, as each layer may or may not have experienced the fact of the object, for example if in the 90s you are experiencing your first mobile phone until he current 20th century last smartphone that we carry with us - was the excitement of joy triggered by our brain heavy in the 90s or until the latest communication device of today? I bet all of us in our 20s and 30s would still be imagining that so-called brick phone that we first owned, once again just to remember those souvenirs lost in those different layers of our brains. So we can highlight this process under cognition where it is used to understand your thoughts and feelings. The process of revitalizing mental images can advance our memory and put it back into practice, where it shone... middle of paper... et al. Our mind can divide many things from peace to war if it willingly accepts the facts in full consciousness otherwise ignored it can lower its strength in making a crucial decision or which side to take by showing you the direction towards the exit door. But it's hard to really know what we want at the end of the day and that's the main fact. “The mind is its own place, and in itself can create a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..” JOHN MILTONOur brain has accepted many past experiences until now, in a few years it will acquire more information or knowledge, but will it reach at least 50% of its capacity one day? As has been said, only less than 20% has been used so far. It is truly an amazing organ, which not only controls our body but the world in many terms. Strangely natural! Works Cited John Milton