May be directed at oneself and the thought alters behavior. It not only influences our decisions, but our behavior and that of others. Individuals may suppress themselves into stereotype or observer bias. When I first started learning about the self-fulfilling prophecy, I was also applying to graduate school. I often doubted myself and thought I wouldn't be accepted. However, with this theory, it made me have a new perspective. What I did was start telling people I knew that I was certain I would be accepted or that when someone asked me what I would become I would state "I'm going to major to be a school psychologist." I had the mindset and confidence that I would go to graduate school, so I started acting like I was already accepted. Soon I received my acceptance letter. My confidence was so high that I decided to apply for a full scholarship. I told myself that I already have the scholarship, so when I have the interview I can stay with that mindset. When I had the interview I was very positive and confident. In return, I had done well, which confirmed my self-assessment. Once again, I received a call that I had received the scholarship. I now rely on self-fulfilling prophecies because they allow me to stay positive and confident so that I can achieve my goals (“self-fulfilling prophecy”).